Thursday, October 29, 2009

no title for this post

'once upon a time...'

every time we hear this phrase, we know what will happen next. there will be a story to be told. for me personally, it is very interesting to hear stories from others, especially from teachers. unfortunately, my school time or to be specific the english lessons did not really leave a great impact on me. no story telling session. just chalk n talk. copy from the blackboard or text book. have to complete sentences or fill in the blank.

but still, i learn a lot from my previous teachers. all the good things about their teaching should be followed, but improvement must be done. teaching should not be just referring to the text book and writing on the blackboard for students to copy. learning should be fun. most of all, it should be meaningful.

some people (or maybe many people) think that it is easy to become a teacher. just go into the classroom and teach the students. it may be easy to become a teacher, but it is definitely not easy to become a great teacher, who not only knows all the theories of teaching and learning but could apply the theories into practice and make the learning session as wonderful moments for the students.

there is still long way to go..many challenges are waiting ahead..just hope and pray for the best..


  1. haaa nad jupo pn blog mum jom link ngan ak nyer k :D

  2. ko cari blog aku ke? xde pape pun kt blog ni..btw,trima kasih sudi ziarah..mintak izin link kan blog ye..

  3. ok nad set permission granted :D ak da link kn pn blog ko gak , thanks
